Dear Valued Members,
Further to our Notice to you dated June 29, 2020, as it relates to the subject matter, we wish to advise that the Office of the Commissioner of Co-operatives, Ministry of Labour and Small Enterprise Development has now granted permission and issued guidelines for payment of an Interim Dividend equivalent to 75% of that recommended by your Board of Directors for the Income Year 2019.
As you are well aware and further to our previous related notices to you, that the COVID-19 Pandemic and its impact on the World, including the recent resurgence of cases in Trinidad and Tobago has resulted in restrictions on business operations, free movements, and congregating activities.
Having regard to the above, we have adopted a process for the distribution of Dividends in compliance with the COVID-19 protocol. You are guided that the Dividends Allocation Form accessible electronically for download by clicking the link or to be completed online by visiting . Whichever option is chosen, kindly submit a copy of your Identification Card, Driver’s Permit or your Passport together with the form.
You are advised that the expected payment date commences on August 21st, 2020, and all members shall be contacted by our offices regarding payment confirmation. Kindly pay particular attention to our Facebook Page, your mobile phone for emails and text messages, and our website for any further updates.
Should you require any further clarification, please do not hesitate to contact our e-business Unit at 612-1706 ext 1046/1047 or email us at
We continue to encourage you to utilise our online facilities and mobile app “Transcorp ON D GO” for instantaneous access to all our services in attempting to elevate your challenges and inconveniences and in meeting your financial needs.
Stay Safe, Stay Sanitised.
Message from Board of Directors
For the downloadable form, kindly email to